Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
What does one do to combat the winter blues? Embrace it of course!
What better way than to hunker down at a freind's camp, stoke the flames
in the fireplace and burn through hours of adventure in the blink of an
eye around a table playing DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS!
Days previous I got to build out a character and have it prepared for the adventure. I went with a Half-Elf Druid and leveled up on medicinal forest skills. My colleague went with a Ranger class Human and also leveled up in nature based skills. Lucky for us our quest took us on a wooded terrain path into the mountains. Our insight was favorable indeed!
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Days previous I got to build out a character and have it prepared for the adventure. I went with a Half-Elf Druid and leveled up on medicinal forest skills. My colleague went with a Ranger class Human and also leveled up in nature based skills. Lucky for us our quest took us on a wooded terrain path into the mountains. Our insight was favorable indeed!
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